Monday, March 5, 2012


Good evening!

How are you?
I've been away for a couple of days but here I am again!

I am really satisfied with what was waiting for me tonight as soon as I got home: an amazon package. 
Here is what was in there:

Three small books: "American political parties and elections" by L. Sandy Maisel
"The American Presidency" by Charles O. Jones
"The U.S. Congress" by Donald A. Ritchie

These three short introductions were on my wish list in this period. I studied the American election system when I was at the university in Venice, and it has always fascinated me. And now that the U.S. are under the election process, I wanted to buy the three of them, in order to try and understand better how it works. They are an Oxford press publication and I cannot wait starting reading them. I will let you know.

For the weekend I went to Milan with Davide and a couple of friends who live there. On Saturday we all went shopping in Milan (a MUST) and here is what I got:

I shopped mostly in Zara. I got a white motorbike jacket, a salmon shirt, a black shirt and floral jeans. 
I think I will be wearing some of these agreements in Rome... but I will not tell you know what I will wear! :D surprise!!
On Saturday night we went for a late aperitif and it was so cool!

On Sunday (after a TERRIBLE night without sleeping cos of the awful hotel!!!!) we went to Monza, because of my Christmas gift to Davide: a ride in Ferrari F430 spider :D 
It was so much fun!!! and people of PureSport were all so kind. Visit!!! it is really worth it!!!

In Monza I was so excited to find these:

My new couple of Sal y Limon bangles ( I was really satisfied with the colors they had, but a little upset I didn't find green bangles (I wish I could had green cos of my possible outfit during the interview in Rome). 
And here is my growing collection:

Milan is fantastic. I always love it. It is so full of moving life.. I love watching people around when I'm there. You can spot strange people, or people who act like VIPs. It is so weird :)

This is all for tonight. Sorry it was brief and maybe boring. But that was my weekend. I drove 700 km back and forth and now I need some rest :)

night. and never stop gathering information about everything that interests you. Education is life. 


Ciao a tutti!!
Come state?

Sono stata via per un po' ma eccomi di nuovo!

Avete visto cosa mi aspettava stasera al mio rientro a casa? Un pacchetto da Amazon: quei tre libriccini erano sulla mia lista dei desideri da un bel po'... ed ecco di cosa si tratta:

 "American political parties and elections" di L. Sandy Maisel
"The American Presidency" di Charles O. Jones
"The U.S. Congress" di Donald A. Ritchie

Ho studiato il sistema elettorale statunitense all'università e mi ha sempre affascinato... e ora che gli Stati Uniti sono proprio sotto elezioni, ho deciso di acquistarli per cercare di capirne un po' di più :) vi dirò :)

Nel weekend sono andata con Davide a Milano da alcuni amici, ho fatto shopping principalmente da Zara e la sera super aperitivo!!! 
Adoro guardare la gente quando vado a Milano, se ne vedono sempre di tutti i gusti e i colori!!! :D

Il giorno dopo (non abbiamo chiuso occhio a causa del pessimo hotel!!!) siamo andati all'autodromo di Monza: finalmente Davide ha usufruito del mio regalo di Natale: un bel giro in Ferrari F430 spider!! E' stata una grandissima emozione (soprattutto, per me che non ho guidato la Ferrari, fare DUE giri di pista sul furgoncino 9 posti a tutto gas!!!! he he he). Ho apprezzato moltissimo tutto lo staff di PureSport (, estremamente gentili e disponibili con tutti!!!

A Monza centro ho anche trovato i miei due nuovi bracciali Sal Y Limon (!!!! 
volevo anche un paio di bracciali verdi (per il mio possibile outfit per Roma... del quale non vi dirò nulla...) ma non c'era il colore :( peccato!! volevo indossarli all'intervista!

Dovete perdonarmi se questo post è noioso.. e breve... ma ho guidato per 700 km e ora ho bisogno di riposare!!!

notte! e ricordate di non smettere mai di informarvi su tutto ciò che vi interessa.. informarsi è vita.



davide said...

"informarsi è vita" questa mi piace :)

Marti Luna said...


vanegeisha said...

culture and shopping stuff: I like the mix :D ehi, what about poetry?? eh eh..:*

Marti Luna said...

:* I did the poetry :) but I have so many ideas to insert in the blog.. one at a time :* love you!

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