Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Good evening!

How do you feel today?
I hope you feel great and joyful like I do.
I have no actual reason to feel joyful, since my mom is going through a real health problem and we are all affected by this, but I try every day to find something to feel good about. 

My reason for today is that I will try to apply for the BEA Bloggers Conference. I will register online after having post this one. And I will let you know tomorrow about it!!!
For those who don't know about it, BEA is Book Expo America, ( and is a huge expo where there is a gathering of thousands of people who share the beauty and the passion of books. Moreover, in the 2012 edition they will give importance to a huge amount of topics: from kid's literature, to e-books, from self-publishers to author marketing... I mean... everyone should go!!!
I think I will go in any case, but let's see if they accept me as a blogger. (moreover, my poem book will be present there in the title list of my publisher!!). I would love to talk about the Expo in my blog if I went. So, let's try. And this is my happy reason for today. I feel sorry that today I will not talk about any book in my shelf, but I will another day. Promise! 
Stay tuned, and show your support!
I have tons of topics I want to talk to you... and I would love to read your points of view which are really important to me. 

I will be brief today cos my Macbook Air has low battery and I forgot the charger somewhere I do not remember... :(

Anyway... Another reason I am happy about today is that my Sal Y Limon bangles (from the poetry contest I already told you about) arrived today. I will post here some pics, tell me what do you think about them! I really love them, and I appreciate Sal Y Limon that has sent them to me so quickly! Thanks to Giorgia, from SYL, who is really nice and professional. 

(I love SYL bangles at my feet ;) )

Along with my bangles SYL sent me its catalog: guys... go and visit their site: it's amazing.. you will fall in love.

Now I have to go, going to gather infos about BEA.. and then let you know tomorrow.

have a nice night, with a good book, which is always silent and listens to you, even though it talks to you constantly, and try to catch the happy size of life, each day.



Janosh said...

Hello Marti! Hello Blog! Divertente la situazione.
Come fare a condensare tutto quello che si vorrebbe scrivere? Ci vorrebbe una sorta di schiacciapatate dei pensieri. Quello si che mi servirebbe!!
Curioso il modo in cui si possano legare i vari contesti da te trattati, certo è che le tal premesse possano portartie ad una differente comunione tra passioni stilistiche e lettaratura, piuttosto che il solito partitore d'idee.
Mi fai venire in mente (non ricordo se un sogno o un racconto di un'amica) che prima di mettersi a leggere desiderava mettersi il migliore vestito di quel momento, truccarsi, profumarsi, arricchirsi con i suoi bijoux e gustarsi la letteratura nella suo migliore stato in modo da avere le maggiori sensazioni.
Tante volte la lettura vista "casalinga" è sempre associata al pigiama orribile antisesso, sotto le coperte, magari capello spettinato, ... sempre in quelle situazioni un pò indecenti. E che cavolo! La stylmoda è per noi, non per gli altri :) proprio come la Letteratura!
E che dire del contrario dell'anteverso precedente, stuzzichi l'appettito delle idee, ... ok, bisogna trovare lo schiacciapatate, se no c'è troppo sterile in quello che scrivo!

Marti Luna said...

caro Janosh, la tua risposta andrebbe tradotta in inglese perché tutti la possano comprendere, e probabilmente lo farò! GRAZIE infinite per quello che hai scritto e per quello che pensi. Non ho altre parole, solo GRAZIE.


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