Wednesday, April 4, 2012


One of the most interesting and touching books I have ever read.

I have just finished reading this book, as you know:

Oh well… it was a hard reading. I mean it was not easy to read some passages of this book, since I was not “prepared” of the entity and brutality present in its pages. 

I found myself silently crying on the pages, while reading of a kidnapped and tortured kid, of mothers who kiss their sons’ corpses.

There is no need to write a lot of words about this book. I just loved it in its totality.

I suggest you to read it, and if you do, write me what you think about it. Or if you have suggestions about other interesting books, just let me know.

I simply want to finish today’s posts with a quote from El Narco, words by Ioan Grillo.. a wish for everyone of us.

“This is a new son for the one that was lost. His mother has put hope in the fresh blood to grow up and make a better world than the one that killed his brother. We have to put our hope there too”.

(visit the page:

With love,

Uno dei libri più interessanti e ben scritti che io abbia mai letto.

Ho appena finito di leggere questo libro, come ben sapete:

Non è stato facile… Voglio dire, non è semplie leggere alcuni passaggi di questo libro… Non sempre ero preparata alle barbarie presenti nelle sue pagine.

Mi sono ritrovata, spesso, in lacrime mentre leggevo di ragazzi rapiti e torturati, di madri che baciano i cadaveri dei propri figli.

Non serve scrivere molte parole su questo libro. L’ho adorato nella sua totalità.

Vi suggerisco davvero di leggerlo e se lo farete, ditemi cosa ne pensate. O se volete suggerirmi altri titoli interessanti quanto questo, non temete!

Voglio infine citare le parole conclusive di Ioan Grillo, un augurio per tutti noi:

“This is a new son for the one that was lost. His mother has put hope in the fresh blood to grow up and make a better world than the one that killed his brother. We have to put our hope there too”.

Con affetto,

(ps visitate la pagina:

1 comment:

davide said...

Vogliamo una recensione piu completa...una descrizione di ciò che andremo a leggere :)

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